Tankcontainers - it is efficient mode of transportation of both foodstuffs like vegetable oil or alcoholic beverages and chemical products - by sea, rail, truck and - combined transport.
Due to rather high cost and wide variety of tankcontainers, as well because of non-comaptibility of products, carriyable in one unit, shipping companies do not offer such liner owned equipment. Often the regular shippers of liquid products create their own fleet of tankcontainers. But – this business is quite speciffic, therefore advice of our experienced staff might be of use!
We will help:
- to work out tankcontainer operating project
- to create fleet of tankcontainers
- to arrange sea/rail/truck transportation
- to monitor each unit of the fleet by use of special multi-linqual internet based data-base program;
- to arrange cleaning, service, repairs and periodical tests;
- to arrange periodic re-certification
It might not be financially viable to lease or purchase own tankcontainers for short-term or irregular projects – we might help also in such cases, in co-operation with our overseas partners.